1. Introduction

Injection plastic molding is widely used in many industries, but a variety of defects can occur during the manufacturing process. These defects often appear in the form or surface and can have a significant impact on quality. This article details the general types and characteristics of these defects, which are divided into shape and surface defects

  1. List of defects in molded products


Types of defects

Geometrical imperfections

Short shots, flashing, burrs, sink marks, warping, weld lines, voids, air traps, cracks, crazing, gate vestiges

Surface Defects

Color Streaks, jetting, silver streaks, flow marks, flow lines, serfing, burning, delamination, black specks
  1. Geometrical imperfections
    1. Short Shot

      This defect refers to a molded product that is incomplete and partially missing. It is usually noticeable in the corners of molds and in parts of complex shapes.

  1. Flashing and Burrs

    This phenomenon is excess material on the edges of a molded product. This is usually caused by resin leaking from gaps in the mold.

  1. Sink Marks

    This is a phenomenon in which a molded product shrinks after cooling. This defect is especially likely to occur in thicker parts of the molded p

  1. Warping

    This is a condition in which the molded product warps. In many cases, this defect is caused by uneven cooling of the molded product.

  1. Weld Lines

    This is a defect where a weak line forms at the confluence of the material flows. This line is usually where the physical strength is lower.

  1. Voids

    Cavities occur inside the molded product. This is often caused by uneven cooling of the plastics.

  1. Air Traps

    This is a condition in which air bubbles are trapped inside the molded product. This usually occurs when material is injected into the mold at high speed.

  1. Cracks and Crazing

    This is a defect that causes cracks in molded products. This is often caused by resin degradation or external forces.

  1. Gate Vestiges

    Residual material from the gate area is observed. This is affected by mold design and injection conditions.

  1. Surface defects in injection plastic molding
    1. Color Streaks

      The color of the molded product may not be uniform, which usually occurs when the mixing of materials is incomplete

  1. Jetting

    Flow traces are left on the molded product. This defect occurs during the process of resin injection into the mold at high speed.

  2.  Silver Streaks

    Striate patterns appear on molded products. This is often caused by moisture or impurities in the material.

  1. Flow marks & Flow Lines

    A linear pattern appears on the molded product. This usually occurs when the material flow is uneven.

  1. Splay

    A droplet-like or silvery pattern appears on the surface. This usually occurs when moisture in the material evaporates.

  1. Burning

    This is a condition in which molded products are scorched by high temperatures. This is caused by excessive heating of the resin.

  1. Delamination

    Layers of the molded product may peel off. This is often caused by uneven cooling of the material.

  1. Black Specks

    Black spots or specks appear on the molded product. This is usually caused by impurities in the mold or resin.

  1. Degradation or Scorching

    This is a phenomenon in which molded products burn or change color. This occurs when the resin is heated excessively or deteriorates over time.

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